ARTI wird Sherwin-Williams
Bereits seit zehn Jahren gehört ARTI nun zur Sherwin-Williams Familie. Zeit, das ARTI-Produktprogramm vollständig in die Sherwin-Williams Marke zu integrieren. Ab dem 1. April 2021 werden unsere Produkte nicht mehr unter der Marke ARTI, sondern unter der Marke Sherwin-Williams verkauft. Unsere bewährten, hochwertigen ARTI Produkte sind selbstverständlich weiterhin in unveränderter Qualität für Sie verfügbar. Zusätzlich können Sie nun auch auf das gesamte Angebot der Sherwin-Williams Produkt palette zurückgreifen.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Broschüre. Bitte besuchen Sie für Ihre Bedürfnisse in der Zwischenzeit.

- Bindemitteln, die den Lackfilm bilden und dessen Glanz, Härte und Strapazierfähigkeit bestimmen
- Lösemitteln, die den Lack verarbeitungsfähig machen
- Lackadditiven zur Stabilisierung und Qualitätsverbesserung

ARTI-Colorlacke sind das Ergebnis praxisnaher, zielgerichteter Entwicklungsarbeit. Moderne, vielseitig anwendbare Pigment- und Effektlacke bilden zusammen mit Grundierungen und Füllern, die den Untergrund vorbereiten, das Herz der ausgewogenen ARTI-Produktpalette.
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Founded in 1866, The Sherwin-Williams Company is a global leader in the manufacture, development, distribution, and sale of coatings and related products to professional, industrial, commercial, and retail customers.
As a leader in product finishes, we deliver comprehensive finishing solutions that bring value to every aspect of your business. Our commitment to your success is fueled by close and professional service, top quality product solutions and our dedication to making your coating operations effective.
The Product Finishes division is dedicated to the unique finishing needs of OEMs, tier suppliers, specifiers, global brands and product finishers. Learn more about the markets we serve.

ARTI-Holzbeizen betonen die gewachsene Schönheit ausgesuchter Naturhölzer.
Die Kunst der Holzkosmetik wurzelt im Handwerklichen und wurde über viele Jahrhunderte empirisch ermittelt. Mit dieser Art der Verschönerungskunst war man bei modernen Fertigungstechniken bald am Ende. Mit ARTI Beizen wurde eine methodisch exakte Holzkosmetik geschaffen, die sich an den Grundlagen angewandter Chemie orientiert und sich an den wertvollen Arbeiten des Holzhandwerkes messen lässt.

ARTINATURA-Produkte sind umweltfreundlich und ergeben natürlich wirkende, strapazierfähige Oberflächen.
Umweltschädigende und gesundheitsgefährdende Bestandteile werden nicht eingesetzt.
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Founded in 1866, The Sherwin-Williams Company is a global leader in the manufacture, development, distribution, and sale of coatings and related products to professional, industrial, commercial, and retail customers.
As a leader in product finishes, we deliver comprehensive finishing solutions that bring value to every aspect of your business. Our commitment to your success is fueled by close and professional service, top quality product solutions and our dedication to making your coating operations effective.
The Product Finishes division is dedicated to the unique finishing needs of OEMs, tier suppliers, specifiers, global brands and product finishers. Learn more about the markets we serve.

Since its founding in 1904 ARTI® provides high-quality paints and stains for industry and crafts. Due to the more than one hundred years of experience, we have extensive knowledge.
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Founded in 1866, The Sherwin-Williams Company is a global leader in the manufacture, development, distribution, and sale of coatings and related products to professional, industrial, commercial, and retail customers.
As a leader in product finishes, we deliver comprehensive finishing solutions that bring value to every aspect of your business. Our commitment to your success is fueled by close and professional service, top quality product solutions and our dedication to making your coating operations effective.
The Product Finishes division is dedicated to the unique finishing needs of OEMs, tier suppliers, specifiers, global brands and product finishers. Learn more about the markets we serve.

Since its founding in 1904 ARTI® provides high-quality paints and stains for industry and crafts. Due to the more than one hundred years of experience, we have extensive knowledge.
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Founded in 1866, The Sherwin-Williams Company is a global leader in the manufacture, development, distribution, and sale of coatings and related products to professional, industrial, commercial, and retail customers.
As a leader in product finishes, we deliver comprehensive finishing solutions that bring value to every aspect of your business. Our commitment to your success is fueled by close and professional service, top quality product solutions and our dedication to making your coating operations effective.
The Product Finishes division is dedicated to the unique finishing needs of OEMs, tier suppliers, specifiers, global brands and product finishers. Learn more about the markets we serve.

Since its founding in 1904 ARTI® provides high-quality paints and stains for industry and crafts. Due to the more than one hundred years of experience, we have extensive knowledge.
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Founded in 1866, The Sherwin-Williams Company is a global leader in the manufacture, development, distribution, and sale of coatings and related products to professional, industrial, commercial, and retail customers.
As a leader in product finishes, we deliver comprehensive finishing solutions that bring value to every aspect of your business. Our commitment to your success is fueled by close and professional service, top quality product solutions and our dedication to making your coating operations effective.
The Product Finishes division is dedicated to the unique finishing needs of OEMs, tier suppliers, specifiers, global brands and product finishers. Learn more about the markets we serve.

Since its founding in 1904 ARTI® provides high-quality paints and stains for industry and crafts. Due to the more than one hundred years of experience, we have extensive knowledge.
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Founded in 1866, The Sherwin-Williams Company is a global leader in the manufacture, development, distribution, and sale of coatings and related products to professional, industrial, commercial, and retail customers.
As a leader in product finishes, we deliver comprehensive finishing solutions that bring value to every aspect of your business. Our commitment to your success is fueled by close and professional service, top quality product solutions and our dedication to making your coating operations effective.
The Product Finishes division is dedicated to the unique finishing needs of OEMs, tier suppliers, specifiers, global brands and product finishers. Learn more about the markets we serve.

Es gibt vielfältige Möbeltrends. Deshalb offerieren wir eine große Auswahl an modernen wasserbasierenden und lösemittelhaltigen Lacken und Beizen, die zu jedem Stil passen.
Hochglanz, Naturholzeffekte, kräftige, deckende Farben, dezente Beizen oder dramatische Effekte ... die Liste ist endlos und Sherwin-Williams bietet all dies.

Das ARTI-Produktsortiment für die Türenindustrie bietet Oberflächensysteme für nahezu jeden Bedarf. Wir bieten lösemittel- und wasserbasierende Produkte und UV-härtende Systeme für die verschiedensten Applikationsverfahren. Unsere technischen Mitarbeiter verfügen über umfangreiche Erfahrung und Kenntnisse und stehen Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.

ARTI Business Segment 9
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